Winston Churchill’s Battle With Depression

Originally posted on Seth Adam Smith:
My guide through life has always been Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965), the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II. His active and steadfast resistance to Adolf Hitler, along with his vehement refusal to even consider defeat, helped inspire his nation to victory against Nazi Germany. His…

Hear me out lonely people!

Just saw “The Solitude of Prime Numbers” and inspired me to buy the book which sits on my shelf as I’m writing this. Every single day I hear or read about people complaining about their loneliness and how much they yearn for a life companion. Let me tell you something true: having someone in your […]

Stop The Bloodbaths by David Crabb

Sometime before 9:30AM on December 14th, 2012, Adam Lanza shot his mother in the head four times. He then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School where he killed six adult staff members and perhaps most shockingly of all, twenty little children. A stunned nation wept. Twenty days later, the nation of mourners shed their sackcloth […]

How can we stop the endless chatter in our skull?

When we talk about intrusive thoughts, the possibilities are endless: these may vary from lovely and tender to immensely savage and everything in between. The mind is a battlefield most don’t dare to discuss, but it’s there and it’s real. From a Christian Perspective “The mind is always rebelling but Christians need to take every […]